Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Start a Rumor

A lot of people think of starting a rumor a completely negative thing that can hurt or harm another person. However a well placed rumor, or tinsy little fib can be the key to getting that promotion, or dating that member of the opposite sex you've had your eye on. The trick is starting the rumor in the right way so it won't come back and bite you in the butt! Here are some tips how to do it.


    • 1
      Define your goals. If you start a rumor for no particular reason, you put yourself in definite danger of having it come back to haunt you. You'll start to be known as the person as way more about gossip than goods. So, only start a rumor when you have a really good reason. Like, you are really into the cute guy at the office. Or even if you hear of a promotion, simply letting someone know that you may just have a competitive job offer may make them come after you instead of someone else.
    • 2
      Game your mark. Who are you going to tell the rumor to? Is it the person who actually holds the key to what you want? Or is it the person you know will not be able to resist telling absolutely everybody your little piece of good news. Once you have someone in mind, study them. See what they respond to. What catches their interest? How do they speak about others. By "gaming your mark" you'll be able to feed the information to them in such a way that they have to act on it. For instance if you know the boss' secretary desperately wants the promotion you want, maybe float the idea that you may be leaving the company. She may then make a desperate plea to the boss, who in turn sees her as desperate, and therefore wants someone more confident. Once you make it clear with a few cute turns of phrase that you have no plans to go anywhere and can give some ideas to help the direction of the company, you suddenly look like the "thinking" choice, versus the nagging one, who just "wants it to want it." You get the general idea.
    • 3
      Craft the rumor. Whether it's about sex, your capabilities, or getting back at a person you can't stand, it's time to craft your rumor. Choose your words carefully. Think about ways in which someone may question you. Then craft your words in such a way that you cannot be challenged, or if you are challenged you can offer evidence which seems empirical and which supports your claim. For instance if you say you slept with a famous celebrity, it will probably fly if you have a cuddly picture of the two of you, or have his phone number saved in your cell phone. Even if you make-up the entry in your cell phone, people will be too afraid to actually have you call the number. They'll simply believe it because they see it!
    • 4
      Float the rumor. Find your moment. Make sure it's an appropriate time and that all the variables are right. You have the "mark's" attention, they will clearly understand you, and that they are going to be overwhelmed in a way which causes them to act on the rumor. Even if they refuse to show the emotion right away, make sure it is juicy enough that they just can't help themselves from spreading it! Congratulations, you have just started your very own rumor. Now you can sit back and collect the rewards of your mental manipulation!

Read more: How to Start a Rumor |

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