Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Get Rid of Rumors

While many people enjoy spreading rumors, most do not like to have rumors spread about them. Rumors can be very cruel and hurtful, whether there is truth to the story or not. If you hear a rumor about someone else, treat the person with the same respect that you would want, and do not continue to spread it. Most rumors are blown out of proportion, with people elaborating onto the original


    • 1
      Confront the source of the rumor, if you know who started it. This direct approach can bring an immediate end to the rumor. It might also make the person who started it think twice before coming up with another one.
    • 2
      Refuse to spread a rumor if someone shares one with you. Ask them if they are sure the rumor is true, and if not, drop the subject or look into the matter yourself to see if there is any truth behind it.
    • 3
      Consider the reason that the rumor was started if it was about you. You may have behaved in a way that would make the person who started the rumor jump to conclusions. For example, if you were seen at a club dancing with a man who isn't your husband, a rumor may have been started that you cheated on him, when in reality it was just a harmless dance.
    • 4
      Ask the person spreading the rumor to stop talking about the issue until the two of you can discuss it with the person it is about. Contact this person and listen to their side of the story. If the person spreading the rumor is hesitant to do this, you can probably assume that the rumor is not true. Either way, this will put an end to the speculation.

Read more: How to Get Rid of Rumors |

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